Among our extensive range of covering and storage solutions, we supply high quality covered walkways and canopies which are ideal for use in a wide range of settings, including shopping centres, schools, car parks and any other situation you can think of. These products can provide plenty of practical benefits for your business.

A canopy adds a welcoming and friendly look to a business, inviting people to come in. On rainy, snowy or windy days, customers and visitors will really appreciate having shelter from the elements as they enter your building, which adds to the appeal of your company. As an added bonus, your entrances will be protected from mud and moisture blowing in or being brought in on customers’ shoes, making it easier for you to keep the premises clean. If your employees have to work outside, for example helping customers take purchases to their car, walkways and canopies will make their job much easier and more pleasant.

Our canopies can be created in any size or configuration you wish, and can either stand alone or be affixed to the wall. As they are completely bespoke, you don’t have to settle for practical but ugly canopies; we can ensure your new walkway or canopy suits the aesthetics of your business perfectly and contributes to your appeal.

We know that our clients want to minimise disruption to their business whenever possible, and when you choose our canopies you can always rest assured of swift and simple installation that will not affect your day to day operations. Our canopies are constructed off-site, then transported to your premises and put up quickly. Although installation is fast, our canopies are always strong, sturdy and durable, made from top quality materials including steel, aluminium, and heavy duty PVC coated polyester to withstand all types of weather.

If you wish to enhance your business premises and provide a more pleasant environment for your staff, students, customers or visitors, our bespoke canopies offer a fantastic solution at an affordable price. Contact us now to find out more and request a quote and we will be happy to work with you to create a canopy which suits your premises perfectly.